I got the call the C has lice again from daycare yesterday. As I was trying to talk to the daycare I started to feel weak and then woke up on the floor. I'm a little stressed apparently. Also, I had been low carbing without upping my protein intake enough. Oops... I'm presenting my thesis tomorrow, the semester is fast coming to a close, and work is always somewhat stressful. The lice was apparently the straw the broke the camel's back.
My coworker got me up and maintained. We made sure there were no serious injuries. Bump on the head, bruise on the shin (from the computer tower), and bump on the shoulder. I'm pretty sure there's some carpet burn on my knee too. My coworker called Bill from my phone. Bill said he was a little disconcerted to hear a male voice answer his "Hey babe." Bill dropped everything to come get me and then C. He was very busy on the job but he came anyway. He was in the Boro and I was in Hermitage. He came anyway. After he got us both he told C is she'd let him use the clippers on her hair he'd buzz his for her.
We got home and he was so patient with her. He kept telling her how pretty she was going to be and that she was going to look like Tinkerbell with her pixie cut. She did very well. She sat in the floor of the bathroom in front of him and read a book and sang ABCs. We washed everything and bagged up all her toys (again). I told her we could paint her nails and toenails anytime. She kept telling me "hair grows just like flowers mommy!" And "It's hair just like daddy's!" (Daddy is in the Army).
This morning she picked out her prettiest dress to wear and headed out to school. When Bill dropped us off at my car (couldn't drive home yesterday) I told him I loved him. I heard this little voice holler at him, "I luf you too!" It was almost my undoing. I wanted to cry. She's so resilient. Children are resilient. Things have been hectic and stressful but she's just rolling with the punches.
And I didn't really need the proof, but he does love me, so much! I don't know what I would have done without his help yesterday.
My musings about my life. Probably boring to most, but writing is a great outlet for me. I just finished transferring my old blog content to this one, so some of my entries are dated from the past. Some of my entries contain adult content. They are marked as such. Sit down, draw up a chair, prop up your feet, grab a cup of coffee, and muse with me.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
We're so done with bugs 4/24/2009
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- Shedaisee
- Happily unmarried for over three years now. Between us we have 5 children. Work full time. Graduated with my bachelor's May 2009. Life is hectic but always interesting. It's worth it. We make it work though. Just another day in paradise...
Blog Archive
- We have our Bibles and we're ok
- It's a break up
- My dirty little secret...
- I think I have Alzheimers
- Assumptions
- Home... *sigh*
- Text of the Day 10/20/2009
- It's times like these I wish I could call my mom 8...
- A Simple Kiss 6/25/2009
- Life Is Good 6/14/2009
- Marriage 6/8/2009
- Everyone's Hero 6/2/2009
- The Best Day 5/31/2009
- Lucky Man 5/30/2009
- Jesus on my side! 5/30/2009
- I <3 Keith Olbermann! 5/13/2009
- Potholes in Alabama 5/12/2009
- Mother's Day 2009 5/11/2009
- Happy Mother's Day 5/8/2009
- Mascera on the Wall 5/5/2009
- It's Been Awhile... 5/3/2009
- Rage Against the Bugs 5/2/2009
- If You Return To God Please Drop By And See Us 4/2...
- We're so done with bugs 4/24/2009
- The Good Stuff 4/17/2009
- This just in 4/17/2009
- You're the Momma 4/14/2009
- My response, sent to my mom 4/13/2009
- Never Again 4/12/2009
- A Man In Love 4/8/2009
- Alli In Chains - Adult Content - 4/6/2009
- Oh Man, I'm So Old... 4/6/2009
- Sleep Study Anyone? 3/30/2009
- Craigslist Port 3/29/2009
- Just Ducky 3/27/2009
- My Weekend (MEGO Warning) 3/24/2009
- *smacks forehead* 3/13/2009
- Slow Day at the Valvoline 3/10/2009
- Contentment 3/10/2009
- My Heart is Full 3//8/2009
- Distractions 2/13/2009
- *sigh* 2/9/2009
- My Nana, the Groundhog 2/2/2009
- It Won't Be Like This For Long 1/20/2009
- No MSG 1/19/2009
- A Baby Changes Everything 1/13/2009
- Circle Slash Teh Lice! 1/11/2009
- He was right 12/28/2009
- NORAD Tracks Santa 12/25/2008
- I just don't got it. 12/24/2008
- Happy Birthday Baby! 12/14/2008
- Before I Was a Mom 12/11/2008
- "FREE to someone TRULY needy!" 12/11/2008
- Lingerie is for women 12/11/2008
- Enjoy her, she's yours 12/9/2008
- Giggle at the Evening News 12/8/2008
- Favorite First Times... 12/8/2008
- "Merry Christmas Everybody!" 12/7/2008
- This is making the rounds today... 12/3/2008
- Hey you! Yes you! This sign's for YOU! 12/3/2008
- UAW is killing the Big Three 12/3/2008
- Observations While Shopping 12/2/2008
- Shoppers Injured on Blck Friday 11/28/2008
- I will no longer be your victim 11/21/2008
- Thought Provoking 11/18/2008
- She's growing up 11/11/2008
- They say a picture is worth 1,000 words... 11/6/2008
- Monday Night Football! 10/30/2008
- Symptoms of an Election 10/23/2008
- Over 60 & Still a Biker 10/20/2008
- Halloween At Work All Month Long 10/20/2008
- Blue Lights 10/17/2009
- Is It Right? 10/17/2008
- Arkansas Weekend 10/6/2008
- Signs From The Road 9/29/2008
- Coolness Factor FAIL 9/29/2008
- Until It's Dry - Adult Content - 9/23/2008
- Is That A Bug? 9/23/2008
- Gas Shortage of 2008 - A Photoblog - 9/28/2008
- Moving On 9/16/2008
- Give Me What I Want - Adult Content - 9/12/2008
- Broken Bolts - Adult Content - 9/11/2008
- Red - Adult Content - 9/9/2008
- Things I learned this weekend 9/8/2008
- School Bus Driver 04-37 8/21/2008
- Honey, I bought you a dumpster! 8/19/2009
- Invisible Mom 8/18/2008
- Sexism is still alive and well 8/15/2008
- TANISHA 8/15/2008
- Things I've Learned Since Moving To Nashville Part...
- Tired 7/24/2009
- I was tagged... 7/11/2008
- The Chain - Adult Content - 7/11/2008
- Things I've Learned Since Moving to Nashville Part...
- A Plumber's Funny Comments 7/4/2008
- Tears - Adult Content - 7/3/2008
- Bad Girl - Adult Content
- Military Monday 6/30/2008
- I've Done My Job 6/30/2008
- We Went To Hell 6/26/2008
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