A very dear, dear girlfriend hit me up on FB chat the other night. We have been trying to plan a visit for over two years. We met while I lived in Colorado Springs. My ex was stationed there with the Army at a mutliservice post. She was stationed there with the Navy. We became incredibly good friends. She got out of the Navy shortly before I moved back home in early 2007. We have kept in pretty close contact but haven't seen each other since Colorado. We keep trying to make plans but they always seem to fall through.
In fact, New Year's Eve this year she had told me we had to make a trip work this year or she wasn't my friend anymore. I knew she was joking, but I agreed that we HAD to make something work. Cut to mid January and Bill's bff deciding we all needed an adult only getaway. Gulf Shores midFebruary it is! We rented a beach house for the weekend and took the necessary days off. My friend told me she might be able to make a trip work easier now as her and her girlfriend were "on a break". I told her she was welcome here anytime, I could try to get down there, or, HEY! come meet us in Gulf Shores! She lives a little north of NOLA so Gulf Shores is quite a bit closer to her than Nashville.
I was very sad to hear about her relationship. I know she's been trying very hard to make it work for quite awhile, over a year at least. I've sat and listened when she's called, trying to just be there for her. And she's been there for me. She was through the demise of my marriage and through my painful adjustment to my new life following my divorce. So she told me they were on a break and she was back at her parents' house for the moment. When I told Bill (we all know I have no secrets from him) he snorted and said, "That's not a break. That's a BREAK UP. Honey, I need a break, go move in with your parents for awhile." I understood what he meant and also knew he wasn't trying to be mean, he was just observing.
I got tickled picturing him telling me he needed a break and to move back in with my parents. Then I became pretty sad for my friend. I know she's an intelligent individual. She knows as well as I do that convincing her they're on a "break" ties her down to the hope of a relationship that might or might not be there when the "break" is over. If she's willing to wait, I admire that. I just hope she's not holding out hope and is being set up for disappointment. My heart hurts for her.
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