This Saturday I had a 2000 word research paper I was supposed to be working on. Yeah, I know, you saw those words supposed to be. That's right, I put it off for awhile. Saturday morning my lil one came and climbed in bed with me, pushing me over and stealing my pillow.
Side note: When does this behavior stop? Before they're 30?
Anyway, when she finally woke me up completely I realized we hadn't grocery shopped in a little bit, the milk expired the day before, and we were out of all cereal except Raisin Bran. Have YOU ever tried getting a toddler to eat Raisin Bran? Yeah, me either. And I didn't plan on starting last Saturday.

(Yeah, that kid's not her. She wasn't excited AT ALL.)
I begged her to let me run through the shower and then promised pancakes. I appeased her with ''toons' on my bedroom tv while I got ready and off we went to IHOP. There she had 'baby cakes' and I had 'mommy cakes'.

We talked, we ate, we truly enjoyed our breakfast together, mommy and daughter.
When we got done I told her we needed to go to the store. 'Go to da store?' She asked. 'Yes,' I told her. What I planned to be just a quick trip to get some wrapping supplies turned into an enjoyable trip through the entire store. From the moment we walked in she kept telling me where the toy department was, even though she didn't know, she was sure 'toys are that way!'
When we got to the toy department I was glad I had had the foresight to place her IN the cart. She pointed at all kinds of toys, talked about them, and even held a few. She was full of opinions about toys she liked, toys she didn't like, and toys she wanted to put in the cart NOW. I let her hold a Barbie my Nana has already purchased for her birthday and she promptly dropped it in the cart. I laughed and reminded her her birthday was coming up. I told her she might get a Barbie for her birthday. 'Dat Barbie?' she asked, suspicious she would never see another Barbie again. 'Maybe,' I answered as I pushed her on down the aisle.
When we got to the Christmas section she loved looking at all the Christmas decorations that sang and danced. We had a ball. I love Christmas. We looked at all the decorated trees and we even got trees for the kids room. We got her a princess tree, K a Cars Tree, and the girls a red shiny ball tree.
Bill called while I was looking at Christmas cards for my friends/family that don't do email. He had been at work, ironically working another IHOP that was flooding. When I told him what we had done and I had gotten 0 work done on my paper he said, 'Well, it's good for you and her both to get out, enjoy each other, and have fun every once in awhile. Have fun with her. She's yours.' He's so right. Growing up my parents did a great job of teaching me and my sisters to work, but not such a good job of teaching us to play. They freely admit this. When Bill told me that he helped me realize I don't need to feel guilty about spending time with my own daughter. Life isn't just about what has to get done RIGHT NOW.
And you know what? My paper got done. Early.
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