I got a call Monday. My daughter had lice. I couldn't for the life of my figure out where she got it, but I was assured that wasn't important and now we just had to get rid of it. OMG! I wouldn't wish what we went through this week on my worst enemy. Go ahead, think of the person you hate the most... Got 'em? Them. I wouldn't wish it on THEM! I was so grossed out, trying to figure out what might or might not have bugs or eggs on it. Everything that could go in the washer has, sometimes twice, three times. Everything that couldn't has been sprayed with that lice spray so much I'm surprised we haven't fainted from the fumes. Have you ever tried to keep a high energy four year old still for hours while you go through their hair strand by strand to remove lice eggs? OMG. We watched more Spongebob than we ever have. She always HATES having her hair touched, but she's been so good this week, for the most part allowing me to go through her hair no problem.
I am finally relaxing. High anxiety all week, wondering what I missed. Also, we had to bag up all her Barbies that she played with because they might have it. Two weeks they're in solitary. I didn't really think that was fair so I did buy her a new one. So close to Christmas and birthday and she lost her Barbies through no fault of her own...
Anyway, that was my week, exhausting. How was yours?
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