Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My response, sent to my mom 4/13/2009

Now, there is something I need to address.  I was told that last night Dad said

he wished he could raise C.  As I said in Fall 2007 this is unacceptable.  I will not tolerate it.  I can no longer trust dad around C.  I will not have him saying things like that to her or to people who could tell her.  I could understand his sentiment if I was beating her, or on drugs, or a hooker, but I'm not and I will not tolerate that kind of talk and judgement in our lives.  So, from now on, he will not be allowed around her and if you wish to see her you will do so without him.  I'm done pretending we're all a big happy family and loving each other when the truth is you would all be happier if ex-husband and I were dead and C could no longer be around me.  I'm so evil after all.  There will be no more overnight visits to your home when he is there, no afternoons, no trips, if he is to be involved.  I can't trust him and refuse to allow my child to interact with someone who thinks that way and gives voice to his thoughts.  I only tell you this because she loves you and I would like to let her continue to see her.  Were that not the case I would simply not answer any communication. 

Let me again say, I love you.  I want you to be in her life and mine.  And I want to be there for you.  But I am done letting my father manipulate me or my daughter.  You are always welcome in my home and so is little sister.  I love you both. 

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Happily unmarried for over three years now. Between us we have 5 children. Work full time. Graduated with my bachelor's May 2009. Life is hectic but always interesting. It's worth it. We make it work though. Just another day in paradise...


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