Sunday, January 10, 2010

"FREE to someone TRULY needy!" 12/11/2008

Bill and I frequent Craigslist.  We got an almost brand new dryer from there for $65 last month.  I have sold several things on that site just to get them out of my house.  You never know what's going to go, what's not going to go, but it's a free site, so why not?  For those of you that aren't familiar with Craigslist, it's an electronic billboard of sorts, kind of like the one at the entrance to your local grocery store. 


Something I have noticed in the last few weeks are ads in the "Free" section for "TRULY NEEDY" people.  Ads such as:


hey i am going through my 22 month old little girls things and she has way to much and we could spair many things. so if u need these please email me with your story and we can work something out




I sat down with my 3 year old today to explain a little bit about Christmas time and how special it is to help others. We are not well off, but our daughter does have quite a few toys and after I told her that some children wouldn't have ANY toys this Christmas she looked at me and said, "but I'll share momma, they can have some of mine" (im so proud of her)

So, we went through and she told me what I could let someone else have and we would up with a white trash bag full of things that I would like to donate to someone who is truly in need this season.


Please email me with your situation and a phone number and I will choose tonight and have them out for someone to pick up. I cannot deliver these. My you all be blessed and have a Merry Christmas!




Hi I would like to give some food for a truly needed family. Plus I have clothes and possibly other items. Children have move out but left alot of things. So let me know your story and I'll do my best to help.
Only thing is You'll have to get it on Friday.


I am in no way critisizing the intentions of these posters.  They obviously want to help people in need.  And hey, it's your stuff.  You should be able to decide who gets it.  Craigslist really has no rules.  The poster decides who gets their item(s) and when.  What has started to irritate me is what about the people that don't consider themselves TRULY NEEDY but still need a little extra help?  How needy do you have to be to be "blessed" by these posters?  How much do you have to embarrass yourself to be blessed by these posters?  How much about your situation do you have to reveal to be blessed by these posters?  Are they going to want tax returns?  Pay stubs?  Checking account statements? 


I guess my point is sometimes you just have to let things go.  My alternative would be, if you want to do some good by blessing someone, donate your goods to an established charity where the needy person can drive to a location close to them.  Don't post an ad then have them have to drive out to BFE to pick something up they've never seen.  If you just want to clear stuff out of your house?  Post it on Craigslist.


**For the record, I have not, nor do I plan to ever respond to a "for someone REALLY NEEDY" email.  Just in case you're wondering.**

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Happily unmarried for over three years now. Between us we have 5 children. Work full time. Graduated with my bachelor's May 2009. Life is hectic but always interesting. It's worth it. We make it work though. Just another day in paradise...


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