Sunday, January 10, 2010

Arkansas Weekend 10/6/2008

Well, we went back down to Louisiana this weekend to take the boyfriend back.  The majority of our time was spent in Arkansas though.  It wasn't pretty.  I'm sorry if you live there, but I'm not impressed.  First of all, the cute pictures:

Ahhhh...  Young love.

And again.  All together now!  AWWWWWWW.....

Now, onto the trip.  We took the truck, all piled in, two adults, two teenagers, and two toddlers.  I'm telling you, Bill knows how to travel.  He packed a cooler with canned drinks, juice boxes for the kids, grapes, and bananas.  In the truck there were 5 types of Pringles, animal crackers, and Cheese Bits.  All we had to purchase was real dinner, coffee, and gas.  From Jackson, TN to just outside of Little Rock I was asleep in the backseat between the car seats.  That was okay except for the fact that I couldn't feel my legs...  Poor Bill, he had to drive most of the way.  I simply couldn't stay awake and the teenagers were so engrossed in each other "Stay awake and spend time with me because they're taking me away from you soon!" that there was no keeping Bill up while I slept. 

We got one teenager dropped off and I took over driving for a little bit.  As I was trying to negotiate the F150 through the McDonald's drive thru Bill remarked, "You feel like a soccer mom driving her husband's truck, don't you?"  I laughed and said, "Well, yeah!"  He pointed out that I WAS a mom, just not a soccer mom. 

On the way back through Little Rock I began counting mega churches.  I started snapping pictures of what I could.  I counted 14 in a 6 miles stretch.  These are two that I snapped:

Note: That's ALL church.  TNT is some kind of youth thing. 

They sure believe in churchin' down there. 

We stopped in Benton, Ark., home of Wal-Mart, for a McDonald's playplace and Bill to get an hour of sleep.  My lil one found a BIG BUG:

Later I saw an illustratioon in how road rage forms:

And the view in front of the trucks: NOTHING!


While listening to some local country Arkansas station we were wished a happy Arkansas weekend.  Bill laughed and said, "It is definitely an Arkansas weekend!"  The radio station was advertising a "Septemberfest."  If I'm lying, I'm crying, and I ain't shed a tear.  This festival featured dutch oven cooking contests.  Something tells me Jessica Simpson is the emcee...

The kids were pretty good this trip, even though we did have to stop and potty about 42 times...

Later when we were looking for a place to eat by searching online for reviews, I discovered that the region to the west of the Mississippi River, around Forrest City, AR is known as the Gladlands.  "WHAT FOR?" Bill asked.  "It's flat!  And nothing's kept up!"  We finally decided they were glad they were so close to Tennessee.

Dairy Queen

We did finally cross into Tennessee and made our way through west Tennessee.  We stopped near Paris at a Dairy Queen for dinner.  We ordered through the drive thru and the poor girl got all confused with our order.  To compensate she gave Bill the SENIOR DISCOUNT!  LOL!  I teased him mercilessly about that.  I thought it was GREAT!

I was so excited to see the beautiful rolling hills of Tennessee.  These pictures are of the Buffalo River in Humphreys County.


I heard a local Dickson radio station promoting their Friday night remote broadcast.  They not only were out and about on Fridays, but they had "Froggie-oke!"

flower froggie

Bill was also good to remind us to "march our feet" which the kids liked.  Crystal didn't quite get the idea, but we explained about keeping your blood moving, trying not to stay sore, etc.  It's something I don't think of as often as I should.  Thankfully, I think the long trips are done for awhile...

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Happily unmarried for over three years now. Between us we have 5 children. Work full time. Graduated with my bachelor's May 2009. Life is hectic but always interesting. It's worth it. We make it work though. Just another day in paradise...


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