Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Heart is Full 3//8/2009

As we rode back from my hometown my heart was full.  Bill bought a new vehicle this afternoon, a purchase long overdue. I took the obligatory "new owner in front of their purchase" photo and off we went. C was in the back seat coloring and being oh so good. We headed north out on 65 to go see a friend of ours. We got to.  their suburb and still hadnt heard back. He said, "let's go down and show your sister. You better text her and make sure she can ride with us heathens." :) she was all for seeing us.

As we drove into town I noted a new Burger King on the northside and a new shopping center next to my company's location in that city. We met at the shopping center near my parents' home. I noted a new Farm Bureau building and several new shops. Things change quickly when you're not looking.

We sat at dinner with my sister and one of her best friends. We talked about teachers we had in common, school, and boys. My sister called my mother to tell her where we were eating and left a message. I told my sister to tell them they were welcome to join us but I knew they wouldn't since Bill was with us. Imagine my surprise when they walked in the restaurant a little later. I knew they were there mainly to see C but I appreciated their coming.

We talked, akwardly, until C had played too long near the fountain in the restaurant and it was after 8. We took my sister in the new Jeep and my parents took C in their car to their home. It took forever to then turn C back around and out of mom and dad's but what shocked me the most was no one was really weird around Bill. My mom laughed and joked and didn't refuse to acknowlwedge his presence. My dad asked him about the economy's effect on the plumbing business.

When we finally got C in the Jeep it was dad who kept Bill talking long after the rest of us were done. My sister came to my window and said, "Bill's not going to change his mind." I told her, and I knew so, "he's not trying to." I love that about him. He is who he is. He makes no excuses or false promises.

As we left the city I saw a white 4'x6' white board sign spray painted with red. "CRAFTFAIR April x-x Armory". I smiled. Some simple things never change. I mentioned if Bill wanted to make thw monthly trip to see my Nana with me I would wait another two weeks. "Yes," he said, "ill go with you." We hate to loose a day of our weekends by being apart. He boggles my mind. He knows my parents don't like our situation and therefore him. He knows my Nana, before he saw her last, had asked me not to bring him to see her. Yet, he goes when asked if he wants to. "whither thou goest I will go" brings on a whole new meaning.

This all ran through my head as I rode in the passenger seat back home. Bon Jovi was on the radio and he was singing.  The moon was bright.  I realized my life is full and I have never been happier.

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Happily unmarried for over three years now. Between us we have 5 children. Work full time. Graduated with my bachelor's May 2009. Life is hectic but always interesting. It's worth it. We make it work though. Just another day in paradise...


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