Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's Been Awhile... 5/3/2009

. . . Since i was touched on the shoulder (and by the "shoulder" i mean the comments) and told "Tag!"  Being the somewhat narcissistic bint that i am, i am positively leaping on the opportunity to spout random bits about myself that most people will go "Huh!  Whaddayaknowboutdat!" to, and then get on with their lives. 

In short, i love being tagged, even though no one i ever tag ever plays along with me.

The Rules.

That's right, every good game has rules.  They are as follows:

*The body of the blog shall consist of ten random facts, habits, goals, etc, about you, the Tagged.  No under- or over-achieving.
*Once you are finished, you transition from the Tagged to the Tagger.  You are to then list ten people to tag (you can even write why these victims are selected, if you so desire).
*Leave these ten people a comment, advising them of their status as the Tagged, and what to do now that this event has befallen them.
*No tag-backs.  We all should have learned that in early childhood.
*Advise the Tagger upon completion, that they may glean some knowledge about you, the Tagged, and thus complete the viscious circle.

My list:

1. I am engaged in a war on bugs.  It's getting warmer and we can't keep the ants out of our kitchen or the lice out of my lil one's hair.  Actually, that's not true.  We can keep them out of her hair, but apparently the little girl at school she plays with can't keep them out of hers.  And this little girl likes to share.  :(

2. I am in the LAST WEEK of my bachelor's degree.  This semester to finish on time I took 18 hours.  I work a 40 hour, full time job.  Bill and I have five kids.  Yeah, it's no wonder I'm a little stressed.

3. When Bill and I met face to face for the first time (we'd known each other awhile) it was St. Patrick's Day.  Every year since on the morning of St. Patrick's Day I've woken up to "Hey Honey, it's happy go get a new piece of ass day!"  He's nothing if not witty...

4. I have an odd obsession with laundry.  I hate to have it all over the floor.  I do laundry constantly.  Even when there's none to do I'll dig up some curtains or something and toss them in.

5. Two years after I started spending time in Bill's home and a year after I took up residence here, I still don't know how to use the coffee maker timer so I don't have to get up in the morning and punch the "brew now" button. 

6. Music in the car makes me happy.  Especially Kenny Chesney or Brad Paisley.

7. Ordering my college ring was one of the proudest moments of my life.  It meant I had done it.  And I even engraved "Screw the Doubters" on the inside.  I figured "Fuck you, Dad" would be rejected.  Asshat said I'd never finish.

8. My best friend is the absolute best best friend in the entire world.  Not every young woman who hates children would love yours like she does, or keep her for five days so you can take a much needed vacation!  (PS - My other BFFs are pretty awesome too!)

9. I never did throw that party I promised myself I would when I did my first tag about a year ago when my daughter became potty trained.  Maybe I should now...

10. I am selfishly looking forward to the end of June when my daughter's dad takes her for 3ish weeks.  I love her more than life itself, but desperately need a break.

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Happily unmarried for over three years now. Between us we have 5 children. Work full time. Graduated with my bachelor's May 2009. Life is hectic but always interesting. It's worth it. We make it work though. Just another day in paradise...


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