Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Distractions 2/13/2009

She gets distracted often, thinking of him.  She knows she's lucky to be in a relationship with someone she gets along with so well, who knows her so well, who seems to just understand her in ways no one ever took the time to before.  Flashes come across her mind during the day.  Funny things he's said, how his touch felt at one time or another, or simply watching him again in her mind.  But today, today was different.  Today she remembered their first day.

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It wasn't Valentine's Day, although, the day falls on tomorrow.  It was later than that.  A night out with friends, new and old, a time to blow off some steam for her.  Life hadn't been easy lately.  Her best friend knew and put together an evening.  They all gathered for dinner, jokingly telling him the waitress was giving him the eye.  They were good friends and she didn't mind making fun of him.  He took it well.  The karoke place they went to was a hole in the wall but the selection was great.  They talked about life, they danced a few times, and they just sat.  Her head ached from the loud noise, the smoke, and the bad beer.  She lay her head down and he reached over to her.  He slowly and tenderly massaged her scalp, easing some of the pain.  When she looked up he pulled his fingers down her face, drawing her to him, and his kiss was just as tender and sweet as his fingers had been.  Sitting at the corner of that little tiny bar table the world faded away, if only for a moment.  They talked some more.  A girl in their party drank waaaaay too much.  He began to look out for her, keeping her close to them.  They moved to the bar so the girl could order something else.  The girl sat on a stool and they stood off to the side, making sure no one bothered her. 

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It was then that she turned her back to the bar and settled her elbows on it, casually, still chatting with him.  His ever watchful eye was on their friend, but his attention was on her.  He looked at her with his devil may care grin and asked, "I'm here protecting you girls, but who is going to protect you from me?"  With that he stepped in front of her, slid his arms around her, and kissed her again.  When she caught her breath she managed, "Who...  said I needed protecting?" 

love.jpg Falling in love image by puntrygurl
That was over eighteen months ago.  To this day I still remember my stomach hitting my shoes the first time Bill kissed me.  I remember lots of little things, but that moment, on the day before Valentine's Day, has me preoccumpied today.

valentine.gif Happy Valentines day image by michellefan_2009
Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

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Happily unmarried for over three years now. Between us we have 5 children. Work full time. Graduated with my bachelor's May 2009. Life is hectic but always interesting. It's worth it. We make it work though. Just another day in paradise...


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