My cousin and her baby came to visit Friday. We had a great time catching up, talking, and generally enjoying ourselves. I was so pleased she liked us enough to make the trip. She had planned on going to the wedding but was uneasy about traveling back at night with the baby, so when we left for the wedding, she left for home. All the kids loved meeting the baby and playing with him though!
The ceremony was beautiful. We were a few minutes late but that's nothing new with my family. We snuck in the back, taking up almost an entire row. CL told me she cried a little, it was so sweet. The minister told the story of when the groom realized he was going to marry the bride. She asked him when deer season ended and he told her in another week. Her response? Well, you'd better go all you can then. His brother from another mother reportedly told him if the groom didn't marry her, he would.
When the ceremony ended we waited for my dad, aunt, uncle, and Nana. They were all excited to see all of us. I was shocked. My Nana hugged the girls and said she felt she knew them she'd heard so much about them. All of my family, cousins, uncles, aunts, and others I hadn't seen in years openly accepted us as a family unit. There were a few, "Are you going to get married?"s but overall it was just very nice. It meant so much to me when the bride's mother, my great-aunt (although she's my dad's age) came up to me and asked if our table was alright since the other family sitting with us had two little children. She had thought we would get along well. I thanked her for making us welcome. I told her I had meant it when I said to just let me know if six was too many. She said the bride was adamant it be family friendly and that our family seemed to be quite at home here. I love her so much. Always have. She has an understanding of my family as an outsider since she married into it. She's always been dear to me. Another cousin of mine took lots of photos for me, including a family shot. I am waiting on her to email those.
At the reception the they had notebooks at each table for guests to write messages in. Wouldn't you know, K, being the sweet boy he is, wrote a note with a little spelling help from Intri. It included the very long hard word congratulations. :)
The girls got bored waiting for the bride and groom and did what teenage girls do:
My dad became a jungle gym but never complained when K joined C in climbing on him. He played with them both equally the entire time. I was REALLY impressed.
My 84 year old sweet Nana sat and watched it all. C gave her a sticker that said "love" that had been on the table. She wore it the entire time. She just basked in being around her family.
As I stood in line to get the kids plates my little sister surprised us and came in. She had had to work but came over afterward. I was so happy to see her. She looked just beautiful. She had eaten pizza the night before, so apparently missing her gallbladder hasn't slowed her down. My cousin took some photos of us but I haven't received them yet. Intri had escorted her in on his arm. He texted me and said, "Watch your dad have a heart attack. About to escort your sister in." :) Poor Intri was sick as a dog. He woke up feeling achy and congested. He finally figured out he had chipped a wisdom tooth and it's probably infected. Trooper that he is, he went anyway. He quipped to K that even being sick he and K were going to be the best looking men there. I think he was right.
After I had gotten the kids plates I was walking back across the floor when Intri grabbed me and sweetly danced with me. I had two BBQ plates in my hands but just danced with him. I got lost for a few seconds until I heard one of the kids say, "Where's the bathroom?" I mumbled against his lips, "I have no idea..." until I was jolted out of my reverie and realized they really did need to know where it was. ;) And let me say, COC wedding + dj & dance floor = wow. I had a blast. Not sure everyone agreed with it but I thought it was well done. I did have my sister take a family shot with my cell until I get those other photos from my cousin. I think this is the first family photo we've had with both little ones, the two girls, and us, especially all dressed up.
We took our leave and headed for home where the little ones promptly crashed.
It was a wonderful afternoon with family I'd forgotten love me no matter what. I was very anxious about going but I'm so glad we did. More than one person told me I looked just like my mother and was beautiful just like her. Multiple people told me I looked radiantly happy. I am. This is the life I never knew to wish for. Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must've done something good... (Song line credit: The Sound of Music).
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